Elements of Creative Coding

Source code

This is intended to be a collection of tutorial and showcase related to creative coding. But currently I am porting my old processing and p5js sketches to vanila javascript. Each sketch has two files: html and js. No css or common js library. The js file only includes necessary functions for the particular sketch. The sketch is aware of your browser pixel ratio, so to download in higher quality you can zoom your browser then reload the page then download.


  1. rgb to hsl
  2. hsl to rgb


  1. Study grid
  2. New signatures
  3. New signatures variant
  4. Study arc
  5. Boring spider
  6. Boring spider dark
  7. Minimal
  8. Minimal dark
  9. Star grid
  10. Star grid dark
  11. Tetris I O
  12. Tetris J
  13. Tetris L
  14. Tetris S
  15. Tetris T
  16. Tetris Z
  17. Red
  18. Red variant
  19. Red massive
  20. Black massive
  21. Autumn
  22. Gardening
  23. Jungle
  24. Flower leaf
  25. Flower red
  26. Flower white
  27. Tree 1
  28. Tree 2
  29. Tree 3
  30. Gradient
  31. Recursive rect 2
  32. Recursive rect 3
  33. Twist
  34. Paint
  35. Squares
  36. Squares 3
  37. Block
  38. Block 2
  39. Block 3
  40. Ornament
  41. Ornament 2
  42. Textile
  43. Textile 2
  44. Textile 3
  45. 300822
  46. 310822
  47. 020922
  48. 030922
  49. Augmented matrix
  50. Augmented matrix 2
  51. Augmented matrix dark

Some tips

  1. Disable alpha if not needed.
  2. const c = canvas.getContext("2d", {alpha: false});